Saturday, 27 June 2015

Snippets of Isaac from end of 2014

You have started to tell jokes and was really impressed with this, thinking you made it up, but you actually heard it from somewhere
'Why did the cow cross the road?
Coz he wanted to go to the MMMooooovies'

Ric: Daddy has big muscles coz I carry you(Isaac) all the time
Isaac:  Good! coz this means I give you strength

Isaac: Do you know why they are called windows?
Me: ??
Isaac: It's because the 'wind' comes in!!

Isaac sees me put on some blusher getting ready for work and tells me
'Mummy, you do not need to put on any make-up.  You're pretty'

More recently, there are less of these snippets, and more sensible conversation

His version of the World Map (according to Risk)
His drawing of 'Samyi and Justin'

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